Hello all,

I'm a long time GM who has always gotten by on scribbles on a battlemap whenever circumstances or games forced me to leave the theatre of the mind. I'm here because I'd love to be able to make some nicer maps for my gaming groups and now that things are moving more and more online for my gaming, I will need to have more maps available to my players to keep the games engaging. Problem is, I don't run strictly fantasy games, so much of the map-making software available to me doesn't work well for my purposes.

That said, here I am to try and learn how to use GIMP to create some passable battlemaps and hopefully someday some nicer world maps for my gaming group. Like the subject mentions, I don't have any real artistic ability so I'm very interested in learning about what kind of tools I can use to get around this limitation as my skills improve.

Looking forward to learning and sharing!