So I'm in the very early stages of making a new map. My goal here is to create a Pangea like super continent in the late stages of breaking up. I've given some place holder names to the continents and sketched out the plate boundaries. What I'm trying to do now is get a basic idea of how the landscape might look.

From what I can tell the border in between Telath and Hakvab would have huge mountain ranges and be prone to earthquakes whereas Flanancar and Tasccar would have regular sized mountains and earthquakes. The ocean in between the three landmasses looks like it would have a boatload of islands and be prone to sending out tsnamis every now and then.

Am I on the right track? What else jumps out at you about this map? How do you think the plate tectonics would affect the landscape and do you have any recommendations for improvements I can make?

early draft with names.png