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Thread: DM commissioning a continent map for a private game night

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    Default DM commissioning a continent map for a private game night

    Thanks all! This commission is taken.


    Hi friends, I'm looking to commission a map for a private D&D game I run. Very excited to work with one of you fabulous artists on this!

    Commision: Certainly willing to pay. I would hope to pay less than $100, but I understand quality art can cost money. Certainly open for discussion, especially if the artist has a strong portfolio.

    Subject: The world is one large (Russia-sized) continent with one group of outlying islands (Hawaii-sized), and I'm looking for a map to depict the basic regions, the main nations that make it up, and their borders/capitals. No other neighboring landmasses. Further work may include region specific maps if needed. I would certainly provide a rough sketch of the outline and the various things to call out, but it's more suggestion than anything.

    Style: I'm a fan of the greyscale fantasy style. Nothing that needs to be crazy realistic.

    Quality: This would be used for an online game, so semi-professional is completely acceptable. No print; just an image to use for reference. Size is TBD, but wouldn't be anything big; would want to discuss with the artist.

    Time Constraints: Ideally within the next two months, but I'm down to chat, since I know backlogs are a thing.

    Copyright: Oh, it's yours, baby. I just would want to use it for D&D with friends.

    Contact: Send me an email over at pxpxo/-/at\-\protonmail/-/dot\-\com (without all the weird punctuation and with the @/. as called out, you get it). Would love to chat!

    Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing back.
    Last edited by PxPxo; 01-04-2022 at 12:15 AM.

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