I worked on these three maps earlier in 2021. I forgot to post them here, but remembered yesterday.
I always enjoy working with James. The projects are fun and challenging. This was no different.
These took some effort, and some time in research for AthKatla.
I'm really happy with the result. I hope it gives people a worthy view of these places to imagine and game from.

The purchase of the book goes toward the Extra Life charity.
You can grab it from
DMsGuild - https://www.dmsguild.com/product/365...sGuild10052021
DTRPG - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...of-Villainy-5e

Suldanessellar, in the Shadowfell

Suldanessellar [final] mid.png

Ust Natha

Ust Natha [final] mid.png

And the big one, AthKatla

AthKatla [final] mid.png

I hope you all enjouy it. And have a happy new year. Cheers, J