Hello every one, after doing a few Dungeon Maps I started a Overlandmap for my Campaign . I have to say its my first overland Map with CC3+. And its quite a learning session.
I Basicly wor with Mike Schley Basic set. Besides many small things that still need to be improved, I am currently looking for Jungle Tiles. The jungle of Mike Schley is more like a palm forest - that's ok, palm trees associate south sea mood which is already good, because that's where I want to go.

If someone has an idea where to find a good jungle, please let me know. I have downloaded a lot of freeware for overland maps but somehow not found anything suitable.
The same goes for a nice sea tile, I'm also still looking for.
After that I'm open to any other tip that makes the Map look a little less like a comic...The map will be for a Pathfinder Fantasy Adventure therefore it doesn't have to look to realistic to.

Thnx for the help I show you what I Have so far...
Maracasar 03.JPG