Hi all you beautiful cartographers!

Since I first started out making digital maps almost 9 years ago, I have been always wondering about this: Does anyone else struggle to see a project through to the end? Because I haven't been able to finish a single one.
This is due to many different circumstances. Back in the day I would say slight depressive episodes have kept me from seeing anything through, but since about 6 years circumstances have improved significantly and the urge to create and express myself artistically has increased manifold. I also feel really happy in general.
That being said, there are a lot of things I'd like to try out creatively, like painting (digitally).

Although I managed to get some things started, e.g. the painting, I still struggle to actually DO those things regularly. One would be building my world and painting the maps for it. I either "don't feel like it", or I get started and feel tired after 15 minutes and then it's easier to just play a game or watch something. Ironically, playing games and watching a good TV-series or reading a book get me inspired even more to create my own world.
I sometimes also really "crave" to paint, draw or write, but mostly when I can't, like at work or when I'm in bed and have to sleep (so I can get up early to go to work).

When I have time off work, I sometimes manage to do those things for longer periods of time, but it's really hard. It's like I have to push through a haze or something. This gets even more frustrating when i look at my older projects and can actually see how damn close I was to finding the style I was looking for, or even how close I was to finish a project.

All that being said, this thread is not to be understood as a "cry for help" or anything like it. I am doing better than ever before and I'm confident that I will get to the point where I can get lost in writing, painting, creating worlds. I was just wondering if anyone else has or has had this experience and how they deal with it.

Looking forward to your answers!

All the best,