I love this challenge!

Here is my initial WIP, a heightmap created completely in Gaea with a few small touch ups to the color levels in Gimp. This was an experiment using masks in Gaea to create a heightmaps for world/regional maps. its very easy to use and has a lot of customizability. I will say, Wilbur is more custom tailored for large scale continent or region map creation though. I can only do a large scale heightmap because I have the full paid version of Gaea, just as a warning for anyone who was getting excited about using the free version for something like this.

### Latest WIP ###

Combined heightmap.png

I plan on using this to make a more stylized map base rather than a realistic topographical map. For awhile I have been wanting to do a fantasy map focused on economics and trade, as creating realistic economies in fantasy and science fiction worlds is something I love to do (economics is my day job). I figure this map challenge is as good a time as any to try it out.