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Thread: Another Realistic Conworld, in development

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept Peter Toth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Port Development, British Columbia, Canada

    Map Another Realistic Conworld, in development

    Hello Guild,

    I'm already working on my next project, a more Earthlike world than Kaunis, my previous project. Like morne, I am attempting to follow Nikolai Lofving Hersfeldt's tutorial on the site Worldbuilding Pasta, which I consider premium quality in terms of realism.

    So far I've created a tectonic history consisting of two supercontinent phases on Gplates, although I'm not very satisfied with the results (and therefore I haven't included it here.) For those tectonic experts, could you please let me know if my plate movements and mountain placements are plausible? (If the tectonic history video would help, I can include it upon request.)

    I've deliberately created two polar continents, which will host massive ice caps. I'm planning a sea level somewhat lower than that of the current Earth, and at the same time, a somewhat colder pattern of climates.

    Here's the world map in equirectangular, before I've drawn detail for the polar continents:

    World Done.png

    Next, here is the map rotated 140 degrees longitude, 89 degrees latitude; it shows the work I've done on the polar continents, which can be seen in the middle and on the outer edges:

    World Diff Projection.png

    Finally, here is some detail on the first continent, which can be seen on the first map enclosed in a box:

    Cont One with Mountains.png

    In the next little while, I'll be developing the topography on the remaining continents; afterwards, I'll tackle the world climate in the same fashion that morne has already done so.

    Thank you for your interest.

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    Last edited by Peter Toth; 04-02-2022 at 04:50 AM.

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