Thanks for posting this! I have always wondered about the practical differences between the Azelor tutorial and the Nikolai's much-more-involved version. The latter honestly struck me as a great deal of additional work and processing power for what seems like a less-exact result. I was also skeptical of his results that seemed too warm at the poles for my liking (the final result for Teacup Ae had no south polar tundra despite having a large continent at something like 85º south). My initial guess is that the Clima-sim methods understate the cooling effects of having a great deal of land directly next to the poles, which is likely to result in extensive ice-caps and thus cooler temperatures even in summer than what an agnostic model predicts. Clima-sim even allows for inputting ice caps into the land cover map, but it seems this doesn't matter much.

Of course, the Clima-sim algorithm is much more advanced than the Cartographer's guild model that much more strictly uses Earth as a base, and I'm not a climatologist and haven't fiddled around with Clima-sim at all. Perhaps there's something obvious I'm missing here, but to my eyes the results produced manually using the Azelor/Charerg/AzureWings method seem more plausible to me.