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Thread: July 2022 Challenge: Cald Frainn

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    Wip July 2022 Challenge: Cald Frainn

    Hello Folks,

    It has been a hot minute since I've posted here, and almost just as long since the last time I picked up a pen. But the hyper-fixation wheel turns once more, and thus here I am, back on maps.
    Rolling the dice I got the following prompts:
    Screenshot 2022-07-22 143237.png

    I decided to go with numbers 2 and 5, fusing them into "Somewhere amidst a vast sea of ghosts. An island of ice rises above the waves."

    It's got me pretty excited, and I already did some minor worldbuilding surrounding the island of "Cald Frainn" in the Mists of Passing. It was once inhabited by giants, who left behind massive monuments and fallen kingdoms. In terms of inspiration, I'm going for a Berserk/Dark Souls mood, with some Wind Waker cartoonyness. The following WIP is what I have so far. I've an idea for how to do the sea, but it's going to take a lot of time and effort. I'll be trying to incorporate some of the spiral design patterns you can find in Wind Waker.


    ### Latest WIP ###
    Last edited by samuel.harven; 07-22-2022 at 09:55 AM.

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