Hi, I've been into worldbuilding for several years now and have a fairly-well developed world I've used for several home games. Sadly, my artistic skills are not where I would like them to be, so as a workiversary present I've decided to reach out to find someone who lacks that problem

Covers Both:

Deadline: Flexible. Obviously would prefer sooner over later, but I don't have a schedule.
Copyright: I would like commercial use, including small edits to place cities, landmarks, etc. as needed
Quality: Professional, would prefer Vector unless that's punishing towards cost/detail, looking for poster-scale print.
Style: Slightly fantastical in the "Here there be dragons" sense, I would like geography to be fairly realistic, ex. rain shadow deserts, plate tectonics, etc. If something doesn't work with that in the attached samples, please correct me. And feel free to interpret them very liberally in the name of making them look better.
Size: 3'x4' each, but full print DPI is overkill. 18"x24" and blowing it up at the printer is fine.
Price: $250 total for both, willing to go higher for extra detail, decoration, etc.
Contact: Discord -- LittleKingsguard#3656

Details (names, terrain types, apparent fantastical effects, etc) for most regions present in the map's scale will be provided by DM to avoid cluttering the post.

Map #1 -- Global

Original map attached:
World Map.png

Style: Double globe projection with either detail insets or decorations in the voids, example: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/EkQAA...ixR/s-l500.jpg
However unlike example focus should be on terrain over thorough labeling of cities and polities, example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolo...ections_SW.jpg
Color palette preferably hews closer to the desaturated, old Victorian look.

Scale: Full globe is noticeably larger than Earth, ~27,000mi. Final scale of 1in = ~600mi

Map #2 -- Continental

Original map attached:
Maratin Map1.jpg

Continent was recently the battleground of a World War-scale conflict, with heavy supernatural WMD use pushing large regions of it into post-apocalyptic territory. Map would ideally present as an in-universe reconstruction from pre-war maps attempting to account for known battles and campaigns, with heavy application of "Here there be Dragons"-style inclusions for areas known to have been affected but in presently-unknown ways.

Scale: Supercontinent, ~12,000mi. Final scale of 1in = ~250mi