Well, I was doing some worldbuilding yesterday and I must say, I've found myself down quite the rabbit hole.

Idea is there's a city placed in a mountainous shelter from the sea. Island chains create a bay of sorts, and a great river empties out into the bay in an estuary.

One of the islands is large, and is the setup of some sort of merchant guild/commercial zone trying to do some tax avoidance by placing itself away from the political center of the city

Trying to build a world in some magic-future esque setting. I want to reflect that in the eventual city. I'm thinking of maybe getting in some sort of city-scape. I want to figure out some sort of architecture for it.

Want to include some small treats like a lighthouse and a couple ships on the water.

Using a elevated downward perspective on this one which makes it look like a landscape drawing. I've been thinking about cities in 3 dimensions in my worldbuilding, so I want to try to occupy some vertical space or convey some kind of z directional information somehow in this.

I want color as well. So, I want to try to convert this to digital later. That will help fix any mistakes I make in sketching, or let me make any changes in vision.

And the final challenge: discipline to carry this out to the end. Let's see what I can do

Alright, here's my sketch, got a bunch of ideas on paper

### Latest WIP ###