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Thread: Please, I am in need of someone with better skills than me

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    Default Please, I am in need of someone with better skills than me

    First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read this request. I am just a simple DM that does it for my friends. I was not going to do a city map for the main cities and I thought I would be okay with that, but my guys want this to be campaign to end all of our campaigns. This would be the starting world for them, so it does not need to be glorious, but who would turn that down? Since this is just for my friends, there will not be any selling going on.

    The main city I need right now would be the largest city near the staring point: Noctem. It is a city that started a magical technology revolution after finding mana stones inside of ruins, so they are slightly farther ahead than everyone else. Think Edolas from Fairly Tail minus the cars. So like mana powered lamps lining roads, but still brick housing. I would also love to leave it to your imagination on distance. I am not finnicky.

    The detail I am going for is similar to the attached picture I found on Inkarnate, but I do not need anything this fancy. I have also included the map of the world.

    I would love some professional to take me up, but my wallet is like an onion, I cry when I open it. I would not turn down anyone who wanted to try. I am willing to pay something if the work is above my expectations i.e. limbo stick (^-^)

    We are unfortunately approaching our start time so about 4-6 weeks. Another reason I am not against having to pay something.

    I do not care about copyrights as it was your hard work, not mine.

    I can be reached at

    Thank you immensely for reading all of the way through this. I hope you will give it some thought and reach out to me if you could help. Have a great day!

    Allessandria Ideas.jpgTeldrassil 3.19.jpg
    Last edited by Hero_Nanashi; 10-06-2022 at 11:30 AM. Reason: Changing time frame

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