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Thread: Fantasy map of a single region

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    Post Fantasy map of a single region

    This commission is now taken.

    Hoi! I am looking to commission to have a map made for a special edition hardcover novel, which I am planning to run a Kickstarter for around March 2023. I would like the map to be able to fit on a single 6x9 in page, so in reality I think the map would need to be more like 5x8 in or so. If it has to be spread across two pages, that is okay too. It does not need to be in color, despite the example reference I am including, but I think it does need to be 300 DPI. Because I am looking to put this map in a published work, I would like to copywrite it, or whichever way is simplest for all parties involved. I'm new to this, so bear with me. I've never put a map book before, so it would be helpful if the cartographer knows a little bit about doing that, though it's not exactly required.

    I recreated the region as best as I could using the free version of Inkarnate, and added hills myself in the plains outside of Last Thesi, as well as the two shacks on either side of the large hill to the east. There are a couple of things I would want to have a little more specific on the map that I could not make with Inkarnate. First, since Last Thesi is the main location on the map, I would like to have a design that is somewhat similar to the source material. It is a large city surrounded by three walls (no wall on the beach facing side), with two giant double doors in the front which face East, and with a giant tower sitting at the center of the city. The other two, minor things are that there is a graveyard directly south of Last Thesi that I couldn't convey well with Inkarnate, and that the town Olivard to the northeast is a port town existing on a long wooden dock.

    All that aside, my timeframe is preferably before March (if that's possible). I can discuss any further details or answer any questions via DM or email with interested cartographers.

    Eminent Map test 2.jpg
    Last edited by MarvinNorth; 12-06-2022 at 01:48 PM. Reason: commission taken

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