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Thread: Rheia: one final try at ground-up worldbuilding

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  1. #11
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Davao, Philippines


    Now that I'm more or less happy with my topography and bathymetry, I'm now finally moving on to climates. As interesting as it seems it would be to use ExoPlaSim, I honestly lack both the processing power and technological know-how to figure out how to install and run it as a program. I also haven't *loved* the outputs I've seen from it in terms of the amount of detail and the things it seems to get wrong compared to real-world climates, and I think I prefer to include a little more detail in terms of variations in temperature and precipitation than it seems the model can handle. That's probably mostly cope for the fact I'm an absolute know-nothing when it comes to technology though, and I'd honestly be willing to pay someone else to run my world through ExoPlaSim if they have the time and processor.

    With all that said, here's my first stab at currents for the world. Both Azelor's tutorial and the Worldbuilding Pasta tutorial were useful for this, but I kept referencing this map of Earth as a reminder that drawing currents as little teeny narrow arrows isn't actually the best way to visualize them. I'm mostly happy with what I have, although if there are any corrections they're very much welcome.

    Last edited by Tiluchi; 12-13-2022 at 03:04 AM.

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