There's the data and then there is the artistic depiction of the data in map form. If the actual map was drawn by Ordnance Survey then maybe but its possible that the data was from ordnance survey but the map was rendered from it. I would imagine that you could use the data like the shape of the road system and names of streets etc but not necessarily the rendered map of those streets.

If you are interested in having a vintage street map then you could look to the old parish maps which were commissioned at about 1860 which are obviously not up to date but include most of the roads and basic features of a place. You can often get them from museum archives and many are expressly out of copyright.

You can get licensed Ordnance Survey data yourself from them using their open portal. I forget exactly how to use it but there are ways to use their data by including a similar tag mention that its from their data. I am not certain if that was for non commercial only use or not.