Hello Guild,

I realize I haven't posted in a long time now, even though I've been actively world building and coworlding all the while. I never finished my "Grandissimo" project, on account of never being satisfied with the final result, even after many of your assurances. So here I am working on some less daunting tasks, namely one particular continental fragment, which I've named Briarwood for no particular reason.

I'm trying to replicate a beautiful geological phenomenon that I don't know the terminology for, in which rain and wind attack one side of a mountain block over many millenia, carving out channels of ever-increasing width downslope.

Just to let you know, I've composited the mountain ranges over some lower elevation terrain, so I believe I've bungled the rivers, which shouldn't cut so deeply into the terrain.

Please let me know what you think. Am I any closer to realistic topography?

Briarwood Main.png
Briarwood Texture.png
Briarwood Wilbur.pngFrom Orbit.png

Thanks for any feedback.
