Hi! First post outside the introductions.

Like the title states, I started working on a fairly rough sketch of my world's map. It's going to be used in a TTRPG campaign, hopefully several. During the sketching however I started wondering whether the scaling of the mountains, forests etc. that I have put in so far are too big, effectively making the landmasses look much smaller than intended. So my question is for you folks is, can I leave it the same size and make it up to be an artistic choice? The goal is not for this map to look overly realistic, I do want to keep it stylized. (stylistic?)

Again, it's worth noting that this is supposed to be a world in similar size to Earth. And that it's just a rough sketch so far. Sorry for the poor wording in this post.
Oh, and ignore the numbers to the left. I forgot to leave them out before posting.