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Thread: The Pearlsong Refounding

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    Community Leader Ifrix's Avatar
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    Feb 2018

    Map The Pearlsong Refounding

    Many of the maps I've worked on this year I've not been able to share as the novels and projects are still being worked on. This particular trilogy is approaching release so I can now share it.

    This was a map for author Michael Warden for his fantasy trilogy "The Pearlsong Refounding", commissioned back at the start of the year. This is actually a rerelease of the trilogy and so I couldn't change the landscape too much (the original map posted at the end of this post).
    They wanted an intricate border, similar to my Fidelity of a Snake map, and I must say I've been getting so many requests for borders these days since then and loving pushing myself with each one. The main things that needed to be included was a staff crucial to the plot and some text in the books conlang. The conlang didn't have a script and so developing a conscript for this was also part of the commission, which I did really enjoy doing. Lions were also and important to a later plotpoint so after a few concepts back and forth of refining we settled on the final design, with some small vignette modifications when it came time to make the coloured version.



    And the map from the original book that I worked from along with passages and descriptions provided by the author to fill in some of the blanks
    Last edited by Ifrix; 09-11-2023 at 07:39 AM.

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