Hello, fellow cartographers!

Here's a map I'm really hoping to get some comments and criticism on. It's been a long time since I spent so much time and attention on a map (the first sketches were made three years ago). Perhaps unlike other maps, I've focused on the process, rather than the quick end result. At each stage, I tried, tried again, looked for other solutions, and drew inspiration from cartographers I admire (special thanks to Misty Bee, who helped me get out of a tricky situation).
Another new feature for me is that this map is surrounded by a story, a whole history and a very special context: a kingdom on an island, divided into 11 rival duchies, but subject to raids from an outside enemy, a king from elsewhere who has very little power.

It's a political map, focusing on a region of this other map drawn earlier. Its purpose is to teach the new king about the borders, towns and villages of his kingdom.

I may make a second map based on this one, which will be more geographical, with the names of mountains, forests and other regions. But for the moment, I'm working on a map of the capital, Duwain, with, I hope, the same care as for the one I'm presenting to you today.

I hope you'll like it :


Sketched, inked and coloured on Procreate on Ipad, then carefully refined and finalised over a long period on photoshop