Quote Originally Posted by bryguy View Post
I like the idea of doing that

But yea, Ill have to make sure it doesnt draw to much attention from the map.

Maybe if I use one of the fonts that are in one of the links i gave. Maybe one that looks handwritten? that would work well.
Another thing I just thought of is to incorporate the writing below also. Perhaps circle certain "words" as if the person making the notes is having trouble figuring out the meaning of certain words (or perhaps trying to figure out if there is actually some type of "code" hidden in the text.) Anyway, just another thought.

Quote Originally Posted by bryguy View Post
Also I could maybe use a large fuzzy eraser with a low opacity to make parts of it look more faded then the rest?
Instead of erassing (which means it's GONE), use a layer mask instead. You might even "erase" some of the words in the description below the map also....