I thought I'd take a punt on this. Spoiler: I haven't gone out in a wee boat to survey the coastline or anything so I've just chosen an old map and traced it. It's circa 1750 I think. I just want to try something out using a very limited colour palette. I've chosen the green/blue one (#1 I think) and added one more colour to it - the parchment/background colour. I'm going to attempt to create a dithering effect using the two colours with the parchment as a background base colour. i.e. no colour, blue (water), green (land). I've greyscaled the border for now - I've used a plasma filter to try to make it a bit wishy-washy and I'll attempt to do some colour bleed as well. Anyway this is the starting point:

### Latest WIP ###
Bay of Biscay.jpg