Hi all, I decided to jump in the challenge and I choose Lovecraft as the background for the map.
Those are my results from the wheel:

I will try to put 4 of the entries (I probably will exclude the skyport/ airship option), but who knows?

The set for the map will be Idaho in the 1890 decade and that's a little introduction:

"The young women came to us for help. His son desappeared recently during a visit to his aunt in the isolated town of Big Creek and she is desperate.
We (me and Rose) are not the typical detectives, we investigate strange cases, that have to do with the occult, you know, all this sort of unesplicable things that if don't kill you, will certanly drive you crazy!
And I probably will became crazy one day, and if I didn't yet is only because of Rose. She is my light in the darkness, she has an interior strenght that always save me from drawning in the depth of incoherent and terrible thoughs.
So why this woman choosed us? She said that in Bar Creek something evil is corroding the town and the hearts of the people, something that stole from her his son and no normal police could face.
My heart starts to beat faster while I pack my things. More missions I do, the more I feel unconfortable. As I said, only the force of will of Rose still convince me to do this job."