Hello! It's been quiiteee a long time since I posted anything, and while I have been working on things it's been rather... slow.
But that's been accelerating a lot lately now that I can spare the time to focus on other things, and I figured it would be useful to have an overall thread to mark my progress.. and to post them incase I ever lose my files (again). All of these are in the same world, and are primarily for my current campaign, and web novel.

Most of these are unfinished, I'm currently only directly working on one, and then I'll be moving on to the others.
Apologies for any low quality or artifacts, some of these are very large resolutions, and the limit is 9.54mb.

First is a world map (unfinished, to be finished later. It's not a priority outside of planning)

The Orthorian Sliver (referring to the slice of the world that its on)

The Orthorian Sliver (In the past.. sorta)

Untamed Lands (Unfinished, takes place in the Orthorian Sliver, game went on hiatus when we switched to pf2e. Sadly never finished, but will be finished later down the line.)

The Town of Yeren (finished. Labelling was on roll20 and then later foundry.. But was never happy with it. Made it quickly, when I return to the untamed lands (this town was mostly destroyed) it will be remade, properly.)

The City of Cenmoor (Unfinished, game ended before I could finish it. Will finish on return to the campaign.)

The Cenran Region (Northern region of the Empire, next to be worked on)
CampaignMap Raid MapForExport.jpg

The City of Valos (WIP, not worth posting a picture, only the coastlines and terrains are done. Is the third project on the itinerary)

The Continent of Wholken, separated from the main world during the shattering. (Currently being worked on)
CampaignMapPt1 Phase 3 Next.jpg

I'll be posting any updates of these, here. Currently it's my main focus, so hopefully updates will be quick.