Hello y'all! New guy here. I'm a lifelong map/military history nerd and am looking to design some maps for war-game scenarios. I've learned a great deal from just poking around, and look forward to benefiting from the accumulated wisdom of the folks here.

(To the extent it matters or anyone cares, the war-game topic would be various engagements of Maj-Gen Patrick R. Cleburne in the War Between the States; the initial list includes Richmond, KY; Missionary Ridge; Ringgold Gap; and Pickett's Mill. The scale would be near to that of the Great Battles of the American Civil War series: 110 yds/hex and one-hour turn time and or the Blind Sword series, 140 yds/hex and 30-minute turns. And here let me just say that Stephen Oliver's map for "Prelude to Vicksburg" is an absolute work of art. I think he may be a member here.)