I saw this challenge and thought I should try to join, as it's been a long time since the last one.
I haven't worked on much of any personal work in a few years, for a number of reasons, but have lately been wanting to get back into some non-work related stuff.
I've missed the Guild activity, so I'll just enjoy the time i can spend.

I decided to revisit Nor-Medul, which was originally just a quick hand drawn sketch map for a mapvember challenge, if I recall.
I don't think it was originally envisoned as part of the world of Nhyn, but got turned into such. Back then, and even to some degree now, I don't have a full fleshed out version of the world, but I have been slowly working on one.
As I did that I realised that making maps and then fitting them into a world can cause some serious challenges. Nor-Medul was an odd fit, partly because another mapped referred to it, which was the Cragspers map.

I really needed to get a grip on size and scale so this will prove a helpful venture.
Here's the original map for reference.
Nor-Medul by jstevenson.jpg