Spine of the World HexCrawl export final.png

I thought of sharing a map that I made this early morning as a challenge. Titles are in Portuguese because I made it for use at my own D&D table.

It's loosely based on the most recent official Map of Faerūn plus some extra locations I gathered from other maps of the region. It also includes homebrewed locations I plan to use on my game.

Why did I make it tough? Because my players found a treasure map on our campaign and want to follow it. I asked a family member (who knows nothing about dnd) to point on a random location of the aforementioned official map, and I would throw the treasure somewhere there. I didn't expect she would point a random spot on the middle of the Spine of the World though, so, for ease of later exploration, I made this map.
Tools: Grid Cartographer (hex layout) + Gimp (everything else).
Scale: 5km (approximately 3.1 miles) per hex.
Color meaning: darker shades of color means higher elevation. Greens: fields and forests | Oranges: hills, cliffs, etc | Browns: Mountains. Dotted rivers are underground.