Hi, All.

I needed a break from the city map I'm working on (Boy! Creating all the streets for the houses takes quite a bit of time!) and thought I'd start a new project.

I'm creating my first world map. It is based off the tutorial called How to draw nice maps at the Virtual Verduria Website. I'm pretty much following the tutorial but am sure I'll "stray" from time to time base on what I'm trying to accomplish.

Here is what I have so far:

New_World 30 JAN 09.jpg

As you can see, I have defined my landmasses, rivers, lakes and seas and have "highlighted" the coastline with a bit darker sea coloring. I also have a sketch layer for the continental divides of my major mountain chains.

I plan on redoing the rivers using the "Tapering Rivers Using PhotoShop" tutorial but that will be a bit later.

As always, your comments are always welcome.

