I have a WACOM Bamboo, and I love it. I only use it for the things I would have used colored pencils for on paper, but that's really what it's for, right? I tried using just the stylus to create a map, but the strokes don't look realistic enough when attempting to fill an entire area, so I switched styles.

I tried using the WACOM "mouse" as my mouse for awhile, but I quickly went back to my G5 for everyday applications. Does anyone actually use the mouse that came with their WACOM pad? Mine is now collecting dust on a shelf :/

I didn't read the whole thread, so sorry if this has been answered:

I see mention of these WACOM brushes, and it makes me curious. Where can I get my hands on them?

I've seen people use their WACOM to make very realistic looking "paintings", but when I try to do it, the brushes in PS just don't look realistic. Are these WACOM brushes the missing link in my attempts?