Hi all, I just registered today and this is my first post. First thing I'd like to say is...MAN, some of you have got some serious SKILLS! I am truly green with envy and humbled by your talents.
This map was done in CC2. The first bit of background is that the island of Hydanham is in eye of a world-encompassing storm, the Maelstrom, that has been raging across the face of the world of Pelagos for some 1200 years. I'd love some insights from you on how to make the boundaries of the storm look...well...more like a storm. =)
The second bit of background is that I'm part of a team developing a website for world builders to share their creations in a standardized and easily navigable format. The site is specifically designed to promote collaborative efforts, where individual contributors can own various locales and sublocales within a single setting.
For example, one person could own a kingdom and others could own individual cities and towns within the kingdom, with each owner responsible for developing their own area and the overall owner coordinating their efforts and insuring everything "fits". Likewise, the owner of a given town could allow someone else to own a building, say a tavern, and that person would then make the building map, build the characters and so on.
In this way I hope that creative types will joing together to form guilds, each devoted to a single setting, and that the most popular settings will grow organically as GMs become interested in the setting and submit content for inclusion.
The tools also allow individual components of a campaign setting, such as locales, characters, items (and soon spells, deities, races, and so on) to be rated, reviewed, and accessed through a search engine. For example, you could use the tools to find a 12th-level Half-Elf Wizard or (soon) maps of buildings within a particular genre (e.g. fantasy), and matches will be ranked with those with the highest ratings at the top.
The site and its initial world, called Pelagos, are both in the early stages of development, but I'd appreciate any feedback on the site as well as the maps. So as to keep this forum focused on maps, feedback for the site can be sent to contact@eruvian.com. Any who would like to use the site to develop their own worlds or take part in developing Pelagos are welcome to do so, and maps of cities, towns, villages, buildings, and dungeons would be especially welcome!
Now, here's the page and map for Hydanham. By default you'll only see the player map, as you have to register and sign up as a GM for the Pelagos setting in order to see the GM map and GM-only info. Clicking on the image of a map downloads its full file, if its been uploaded, in this case CC2 files. For those without CC2, a free printer and viewer is available from profantasy.com.
Thanks and I'll be posting a second map shortly!