Here is my first DD3 map. After the busy CC3 of Starstone I've tried to keep this less cluttered. It is an old Dwarven tomb (part of - more to follow) which has been taken over by undead. They will be found on lower levels. The Scenario is from Dragonsfoot.
The main floor is black marble, which I have overlaid with another floor to depict dust and grime. I used a similar effect at the entranceway to show dirt on an old stone floor.
For the grid (1" = 5' hopefully) I hid the main Background layer, and set the grid to white. Added some effects to mute it a little.
The red "stripe" outside the building is a work around for printing. I did a print preview, and it showed that 6 of 16 pages would be blank except for the northern (top) wall section of the two stairway rooms. I can select which pages to print on my printer at home so am happy to not print empty pages. I simply drew a 10' section of wall which I can trim out. As I usually cut round printed floor plans, and strick them onto card this should work for me. (My middle name is Bodge).
I was pleased with what I achieved here, more in finding ways around a few problems and in using a "dust" layer to mute the rather bright marble floor, which would have been spectacular when it was first laid.
As before, thought's and tips appreciated. I know you're on my side really!
Oh and a BIG word for Joseph Sweeny. His tuorials not only helped me here, but were the final nail in the coffin of my credit card.