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Thread: world map assistance

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Oct 2008

    Question world map assistance

    This request is old; originally posted in March of 2009. Rather than start a new request, I decided to resurrect this one and update the information as needed.

    time constraints: none. The project is something I want to get done, but not something with a set timeline for completion.

    style: I would prefer more earth-toned styles. I also really love Ascension's Atlas and ravell's newest style.

    description of map: This will be the primary campaign setting map for a homebrew game. I have specific details only for a region of one continent approximately the size of the USA east of the Mississippi River, though I would like at least the remainder of the continent mapped out. Additional landmasses are optional but should be either uninhabited or on par with my campaign area. The map should be editable as cities, national borders and other man-made features are in constant fluid flux from one game to the next. Alternately, it should be unlabeled entirely.

    quality and size: Obviously the nicer the better, but professional quality is not absolutely essential at this stage. As I said above, the size can vary from one continent to the full planet map.

    copyright: I would like to retain the copyright of the map. The style is free to be used again and I would be thrilled if the map was displayed in you portfolio, so long as the right to make money from it remains mine. I don't expect to sell the material, but you never know. Some day down the line there might be enough to publish. One can dream.
    Last edited by dolenore; 12-24-2011 at 09:26 PM. Reason: revised details of the request

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