Quote Originally Posted by DungeonMasterGaz View Post
Thanks for that link, I just stole them too , and thanks to RobA for designing them. They're unbelievably detailed. I'd just love to be able to make symbol sets that good! Any chance of a few tips or a tut there, Rob?

Also, can ask how you are rendering your stairs? Have you created those as a symbol with a dropshadow and are gradually scaling them. Would love to know. Cheers.

If you are asking me, the way I make my stairs is in CC3, and is actually quite simple.

I make them on a separate sheet, and make them as a set of gradually shorter lines, and then apply a wall shadow effect to them. In an area with stairs going North & West, I make the North Stairs on a separate sheet from the WEST stairs, so i can apply the appropriate shadow to them.