Thanks a lot for all the compliments!

Quote Originally Posted by Notsonoble View Post
Neat... both the software and the site in general... any problem with spreading some of the articles?

And repped.
You're welcome to post the other article anywhere, but I'm asking that no one else post about the Hexographer until it is beta (hopefully next week) although it is getting posted elsewhere by people who don't seee my request. That's ok, because it isn't happening much.

Quote Originally Posted by icosahedron View Post
This looks really great. When the downloadable version with custom imports is ready I could see me using this a lot for maps on the fly, or roughing out an area to map in detail later.

A request to expand its client-base whilst you're developing:

There are a lot of sci-fi gamers too. A blank black sheet as well as a blank white would be useful, especially if it looked black on the screen but printed white to save my ink. The custom imports will allow for the creation of symbols for planets, bases, fleets, ships and vehicles.

Dunno if that's possible, just a suggestion.
You'll probably see that very soon... let me know what you think when I post that has been added.

Quote Originally Posted by slapzilla View Post
Looks great! How does the Custom map numbers grid work?
I'm not sure i understand the question... can you rephrase it? I am working on a new feature that will let you change the hex numbering from xx.yy to yy.xx. You will also be able to choose a different separator character, what number to start numbering the rows and what number for the columns, whether the hex number iis on the top or bottom of the hex, and the hex numbers' font/style/size/color. Is that what you were wondering?