I have a major problem with Wilbur and particularly it's tutorials -- Every single one of them is geared towards random map generation. I'm not doing that though - I'm revising existing maps with known mountain range locations and coastlines that I don't want to change. I'm eager to let randomization add detail to the valleys and the like, but it has taken me forever to get a drawn map that I could even post here as a work in progress.

Of the maps of my setting I've made over the years this one is my starting point.


I'm starting with Dabrinia, the island in the upper right corner.

dabrinia in progress.png

The only information useful to me from the old map is the coast shape. I'll eyeball the city locations since more of them are going to be added. There's also a scale change since I've decided on a new more accurate scale for the area (the other map was done 13 years ago and I've learned a lot since then about topography and associated disciplines).

The next obstacle I see looming is smoothing the slopes from their terracing to something more even. Notably I've redrawn this using wilbur's paint tool so the terracing isn't astounding, but it's still very bad.

The goal topography is the volcanic mountainous form seen on the island of Hokkaido, Japan. I still have some mountain sketching to do but I'm starting to wonder where I go from here. For instance, how can I add ridged fractal noise to this map as seen as step one of most tutorials without blasting away my work or affecting sea level areas?