Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
CC3 is a Computer Assisted aDventure program.
Clever; I like it!

I like to use both. CC3 and its add-ons have some powers that Photoshop lacks. As has been mentioned, its ability to handle scale is very useful to me because I don't really have a very good head for distances. Ironic in a mapmaker, I know, but there it is.

City Designer is extremely useful for laying down large numbers of buildings relatively rapidly, which is something Photoshop does not do well. However, a simplified image from City Designer can be styled in Photoshop or Gimp, giving the best of both.

On the other hand, CC3 and its add-ons do tend to push the cartographer into a particular style of map—it's possible to break out of that, but it takes a bit of thought. Also, there are some image quality issues; I don't do any text in CC3 any more. I do that entirely in Photoshop or Illustrator now because it just looks nicer.

Fractal Terrains, also, is much better when supported by Photoshop or Illustrator.