View Poll Results: Would numerous, program-specific tutorials for one map (see below) be useful to you?

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  • Yes, great idea! I would definitely like to see this project proceed!

    10 76.92%
  • Probably; I like the idea, and would most likely use the tutorials &/or find them interesting

    3 23.08%
  • Probably not. I'm doubtful the tutorials would be all that useful or interesting

    0 0%
  • No, I definitely would neither find these tutorials useful nor interesting

    0 0%
Results 1 to 10 of 28

Thread: Tutorial group work idea?

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  1. #1
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Michigan, USA

    Question Tutorial group work idea?

    Hey, I had an idea for a fun little project awhile ago when so many cool responses were posted to my city tutorial, & I am interested in your opinions.

    Here it is:

    What if someone found a really cool map (from any source) and we created tutorials on how to create it.

    But here's the novel part: people volunteer to write the tutorials each for different software applications (GIMP, CC3, Illustrator, Paint, etc.), so in the end we'd have three, four, five, (or more) tutorials all leading to the same map.

    Heck, we could even have two or more tutorials for the same program, since we all know there are 200 ways to skin a cat, so I'm sure 2 GIMP tuts would show interesting divergences in process.

    Anyway, the above poll is simply to see what all of you think of the idea.

    Anyway, just brainstorming ways the Guild could be more useful and interesting, and this is something I personally would find very interesting, so thought I'd throw it out there. Of course, even if everyone like the idea the project's green light is dependent on people willing to actually <i>make</i> tutorials, which is another matter entirely! I'm just an idea man, people; don't bother me with trifles such as feasibility!!

    Have a great day.
    Last edited by pyrandon; 08-08-2007 at 11:39 AM.
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