View Poll Results: Would numerous, program-specific tutorials for one map (see below) be useful to you?

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  • Yes, great idea! I would definitely like to see this project proceed!

    10 76.92%
  • Probably; I like the idea, and would most likely use the tutorials &/or find them interesting

    3 23.08%
  • Probably not. I'm doubtful the tutorials would be all that useful or interesting

    0 0%
  • No, I definitely would neither find these tutorials useful nor interesting

    0 0%
Results 1 to 10 of 28

Thread: Tutorial group work idea?

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  1. #11
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Michigan, USA


    Oh my! I never expected this amazing of a response, and with such a wide variety of programs--and such a sweet "all star cast" of volunteers!

    Okay, so let's do it! First let's choose a map. I'm attaching one possibility below, but can some of you (whether you plan to create a tut or not) post ideas as well so we can have a variety to choose from? What I'm thinking is that we copy the style of the map, not the exact map itself. The downside would be that each of our maps would not be 100% the same. Another option is for someone to sketch out the basic layout of the map & we use the model map's style to create that. What do you all think of that?

    And Arcana, no problem on the "control" worry--how about we each make tutorials individually then post them all as downloadable files (I'll do mine as a pdf) in the same thread in the "tutorials" category?

    MY CHOICE: I'm choosing the Narnia map created for the recent film. I think this map has a nice mix of classic elements, is not too large or detailed to be reasonably created, and the monochromatic color is pleasingly "classic." (source for this image:
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    Last edited by pyrandon; 08-08-2007 at 11:14 PM.
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