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Thread: Pelagos: One World, Many Maps

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    Wip Pelagos: One World, Many Maps

    Hi All,

    Just looking for feedback on a series of maps I've made for a single world called Pelagos, each at a progressively smaller scale and thus more detailed. The goal with these maps is not so much artistry, but usability (for RPG GMs and in some cases players) at a level that is close to being publishable. That said, if you've got any tips for making them easier on the eyes, I'd love to hear them.

    Below are links to pages containing the maps, so they can be seen in their proper context. Clicking the links takes you to a player's view of the locale (with a player's version of the map), registering with the site and signing up as a GM for Pelagos reveals the GM version of the page (with GM versions of the maps). All maps are made with CC2 and clicking on them gives you the CC2 file for "proper" viewing (CC has a free viewer, if you want/need it).

    Hydanham - the "Hidden Home", an island in the midst of an endless magical storm, posted here several weeks ago.

    Norland - same map, zoomed in so you can see cities, towns, and villages

    Barony of Middleton - new map, different border style, smaller scale - now you can see individual hamlets, towers, and other individual buildings of note

    Middleton - new map, town of Middleton, also posted here some time ago

    Hovelton - new map, the poor district of Middleton, touched up and refined from the Middleton map (looks like another border snuck onto that one =))

    The Beggar King's Hovel - new map, building within Hovelton, done with a parchment background, could possibly be used as a player handout

    More maps are on the site and in the works, mainly building maps, using a similar style (not sure if I can properly use the term "style" with a drop-the-image tool like Campaign Cartographer, heh). I'll post one of an eight-story tower (and the dungeon beneath it) when the locale and accompanying adventure is fully published, probably in a week or two.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback, especially global errors or opportunities for improvement that you see - anything I can apply to future maps would be doubly appreciated!


    Last edited by Eru; 08-09-2007 at 03:00 AM.

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