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Thread: I could use a little advice.

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    Wip I could use a little advice.

    Well, I guess this is the first time I've posted. Hello everyone!

    I've never actually finished a map before, mostly due to reformats. I started this one recently and it seems to be going well so I'm hoping to finish it someday.

    I realize that my map is extraordinarily amateurish stylistically in comparison to most of what's on here, but hey, whatever.

    It's very basic at the moment and I'm just wondering if I could get some pointers before I go and do the whole thing wrong. ;D

    I should probably mention I'm using Photoshop CS2. I have two main quandaries, both to do with the forest pattern I've made (the forests on top I forgot to feather, so I'm going to replace those shortly as well as some other general finangling, mostly with rivers).

    Firstly, when filling in large swathes I get a sort of grid appearance as you can see in the image in the bottom right. I tried redoing the pattern but the grid still seems to show up and I'm really not sure how to get rid of it.

    Secondly, something about the forest pattern I made just doesn't seem to look right, does anyone have any suggestions for improving it? I tried looking through some tutorials but they all seemed to be more of the realistic satellite type, or just not anywhere close to what I was going for.

    I'd also just like some general feedback on the map (even though I know there isn't much right now). Specifically, I'm wondering if people think I should do the mountains in a brown, or leave them the base green.

    I'll update this thread as I go along if anyone seems interested. Thank you for looking at my thread.

    Edit: Oh, I also have a tablet in case any advice would centre around that.

    Extra Edit: I should also mention that this is going to be a reference map for a tabletop campaign of mine.

    Triple Edit: Maybe this should have been in regional/world mapping? I am not sure. A mod may move it if that would be more suitable.
    Last edited by TheMeanestGuest; 05-02-2009 at 08:40 PM.

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