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Thread: Ghostlord dungeon (RHoD spoilers)

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice
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    May 2009
    Republic of Korea

    Wip Ghostlord dungeon (RHoD spoilers)

    My first map/dungeon attempt made with CC3&DD3.
    (I was wondering whether to put it here, in the dungeon crawl or VTT forum, but it seemed most fitting here. Please move it to a different forum if it fits better there.)

    In between exam preparation and lengthy papers I’ve managed to get started on my version of the Ghostlord’s lair from the Red Hand of Doom module for D&D 3.5, based on the original by Mike Schley. (second from the left, third from the top)

    The concept is a stone lion similar to the Sphinx. The outside is solid, weathered granite. The interior is made of heavy stone blocks (I should perhaps use that on the walls too) that I got from Dunjinni forums along with some of the other symbols. The area around is a dry wasteland rid of any vegetation, but I haven't searched for a fitting background yet.

    I've put the three floors side by side so they're properly aligned. The single room with the ooze is a 70ft drop from the 2nd floor so it's underground.

    No illumination anywhere except what comes from daylight, since I will use it in Fantasy Grounds I won't do much to show the lack of light.
    I used “Dirt Gray 1” for the walls/granite, but I’ll be looking to change it with something else. Shadows and sheet effects are based on the video tutorial, but slightly modified.

    As I’ve had more than great problems creating filling I’ve mostly ended up manually creating an inner floor or wall. Almost all the times trying with multipoly, or making a copy and changing it to 0width w/fill style didn’t work or made a mess. The latter almost always gives me a thin black outline even though I believe I do as I’ve read you’re supposed to.

    This is very much a WIP, but I won't have much time to play with it for a few weeks to get the remaining exams out of the way…><

    Comments, criticism and any helpful tips are more than welcome!
    Last edited by Leonal; 12-05-2009 at 09:48 PM. Reason: Deleted the map to avoid any copyright infringements. -Leonal

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