This map is going to be for a D&D game I'm running. I haven't tried to name it yet, that's the least important thing. The game is a dark gothic fantasy set in a cold world (Not freezing, just cold) that revolves around big battles with the finale of killing a god. I wanted the map to reflect that as well.

I've just put up the first rendition of the mountains using ironmetal250's excellent tutorial (Great map by the way). However, since I don't have a scanner to scan any of my drawn art I had to improvise then realize that trying to shadow in GIMP is not a good idea. So I went with a more... vector style maybe? Does this clash with a dark gothic style? Also what color should I make these mountains? I tried some grays and they were hard to see, but black doesn't seem quite right.

Here's what I've got so far.