I am new enough that saying what kind of software I "use" is probably wishful thinking. I can at least say what kind of software I "have" at my disposal.

In my history, most of my experience has been with vector-based software. although I've toyed with everything from 3d to raster-based over the years. None of it is extensive or deep.

The tools I currently own are Campaign Cartographer 3, Dungeon Designer 3, City Designer 3, Fractal Terrains and Perspective, all from Profantasy. I also own Paint Shop Pro X, recently "upgraded" to Photoshop CS4. I have Inkscape and MSPaint like everyone else.

I've created a couple of maps on CC3, one for practice and one for a website my wife hosts. I've owned PS Pro for years so I have tinkered with it some. Oddly enough, I probably have the most hands-on time with Fractal Terrains as I've played with it in the past on several occasions and devoted a few dozen hours overall to getting it to do what I want. I only recently bought it.

I also have a trial version of Dundjinni on the computer, although my focus is more toward overland maps as opposed to tactical scale or (so far) cities.