Quote Originally Posted by Alfar View Post
Very nice map.

Maybe work a little with the labels? I know readability is important, but I think it would add to the parchment effect if the text followed the texture of the paper. As it is, it looks like someone put an old map through an inkjet printer and added the labels.
Maybe just curving the labels will do the trick - the mountain labels that are on a path don't seem to "offend" so much.

Oh, and the ⌘'s do seem rather on the large side.
Why must you hate my ⌘s?

As far as the names go, I'll see what I can do. I'll play with colors and layer modes to see if I can find something that looks a bit more natural. I observed the same phenomenon of the mountain/river names looking slightly more "natural" than the rest, and I'm gonna see what I can do there.