Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Thats good. So lets see, thats you, FeralSpirit, Korash (I think ! and with limited time), Talroth (maybe interested), NotSoNoble (as a player), Midgard (as a player). Myself, I would like to play but would consider GM too though I have not done a pbm type system and last GMing I was doing was 2nd ed AD&D. If I DM then I would go for a stripped down affair with less reliance on rules and dice. I can host pages and generate some interfaces to modify characters.

We have enough for one party so maybe instead of this being a big affair maybe we start with just a private group. Should I set up a web forum off my site and try to bootstrap this ? IG would you like to GM or shall I take the plunge and go for it ?
If you're giving me the choice I'd rather you take the GM role, though with you not having done pbp before, it could be considered baptism by fire. The first thing we need to do is decide on a rules system. No matter how stripped down i is, we're still going to have to have rules. I can do d&d 3e-4e, but any previous versions allude me. I've done a small bit of WoD, but never in a fantasy setting.

It might be best to start with something small--3 to 4 combat encounters and a few skill-based scenarios, just to get a feel for it, and make sure people are going to stick around. I don't think any extra programming will be necessary, just three separate forums; one for game play, one for out of character discussion, and one for character records. Anything more than that would be overkill I think.