Quote Originally Posted by heathan666 View Post
Its a level 7 party, but its not really just about the monsters. Its more about location, and what kind of stuff I can add to make the fight "kewler". Just hack'n'slashin' gets old after awhile.
Dilemma: The group happens upon an intersection which they must pass. However, two groups of opposing creatures seem to be fighting in the middle with no way around. Neither group appears to be making much headway against the other, so the party must choose a side to tip the balance.

This takes some set up and works best if both groups are of different races. Even better, give them clues in previous encounters or locations as to which is the correct side to pick.

As for mapping stuff..... since the city is sunken, there is bound the be plenty of rubble, broken/fallen statues, unstable buildings(can you say traps/hazards?). Perhaps you can make a skill challenge moving through a particularly large structure, with success being avoiding a cave in, and failure.... well... not so pretty.