What is the most effective way to move a CC3 map into Wilbur? Is there a way. I have a fairly tediously detailed topographic map in CC3 but I'd like to shift to Wilbur for the erosion effects. Here's the full map


and a 16x zoom


I presume Wilbur ( or any other program ) will not be able to handle the entire map zoomed so I've made plans to break it up into tiles of 256x256 pixels. At the zoom range seen in the first image 1 pixel = 2 miles. I have plans to divide the images up into tiles and present them online in a form similar to Google Maps. I've played with Wilbur some (and made threads before) but exactly how to organize and deploy this bear of a task eludes me.

The first step I think is getting this base map and the base zoom level into Wilbur to let it do it's calculations. Then figure out how to break the map tiles up and be able to recalculate things.