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Thread: Jasmine Coast - by Ascension

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    Post Jasmine Coast - by Ascension

    Map (Click to enlarge)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	JasmineMap.jpg 
Views:	265 
Size:	3.38 MB 
ID:	109583

    Created in: Photoshop


    Ascension has taken his distinctive and much emulated style (thanks to his popular tutorials) to a new level with this map, by following a tutorial by Su Liam, another Guild member.

    The stand-out point is the depictions of the cities which stand bright against the dark brooding background.

    Ascension says:
    I tried a completely different method but still ended up in pretty much the same that's cool. I tried doing something like Su Liam's recent tut but only from memory; had I actually followed it I may have had different results. This hybrid method got me going quite quickly and I had the basic map done in about 10 minutes. But because I need definable areas to create masks I had to go back and re-figure everything out and that took some time. Then I had to clean up artifacts that can still be seen in some places along the coasts (banding) and that killed a few hours. Getting the ocean right was probably the hardest part so that's why I had to re-figure things in order to mask it off. The forests went quickly, scattered dry brush, pattern overlay, textured bevel, and some color tweaks. The rivers, as always, killed most of my day.
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