This is as good a place as any for my first post.

For the last few years, I've been mostly running Exalted. Prior to that I was a devoted Shadowrun fan. Before that were two killer campaigns with the same crew, one diceless, one 2nd Ed D&D game. Before that I was a Battletech/Mechwarrior junkie. Before that was an odd mix of Top Secret, Star Frontiers and Gamma World. A smattering of other games occurred throughout: In Nomine, Unknown Armies, Earthdawn, Heroes Unlimited, octaNe, Blue Planet, some homebrew stuff and a bit of d20.

I'm in my late thirties now, and have been playing since I was about 12.

Prior to seeing this site, I was under the impression that I was a passable map maker. I now see I have quite a bit to learn. I look forward to it.