I am fairly new to cartography in general, so when I initially did some googling, I found dunjdinni and campaign cartographer 3. I am a programmer by trade, this means by law my art skills are horrible I will admit I am intrigued by the realistic maps I have seen done in PS, I will probably give those a whirl here soon.

For my maps to be used in my Persistent Browser Based Game (PBBG) I am developing, I will use Dunjdinni and Bryce, with Photoshop for some touchup for the maps the characters can move around on. I recently sorted out 10 gbs of art to be used in dunjdinni, but the world/continental/goverment maps needs to be completed in CC3 first. If a player wants to see their location in the world, or region, the CC3 maps I am building will work fine.